🐤 Product Nuggets #1 — back by popular demand
Jacob's top 5 product tweets from the past week
Huge thank you to everyone who voted in the poll last week 🙏
It was overwhelmingly positive so, for now, I plan on sending out Product Nuggets each Friday. If you missed the first one, you can find it here.
🐤 Nug #1 — Natural language gets super powers
The world of web scrapers and other tools that automate repetitive online tasks have existed for a while. But Adept takes it to the next level. With current tools, it requires meticulous set up, defining parameters and click targets. Now, ACT-1 can interpret natural language requests and execute on them.
The future’s about to get crazy.
Since we’re on the topic of AI, I’m throwing this thread in here as a bonus:
🐤 Nug #2 — AR isn’t just for kicks
🐤 Nug #3 — TikTok is ripping off BeReal
We’ve seen social media platforms rip each other off for the last 15 years, but here’s why this one is interesting. BeReal is optimized for spending LESS time on social media (read my full analysis on BeReal). TikTok builds the exact same feature, except they’re optimizing for getting you back in the app for the hundredth time today.
Same feature. Very different intent.
🐤 Nug #4 — Slack wants to play
As I mentioned last week, Canva just started playing in the “docs” sandbox with the big kids, Microsoft Word and Google Docs. Off in the corner is Dropbox Paper, playing by themselves. Now there’s a new kid on the block: Slack Canvas.
Where as Canva brings a bit of design spice to docs, I’m curious to see how Slack Canvas will differentiate themselves.
🐤 Nug #5 — 😂
Have a great weekend!
—Jacob ✌️
P.S. — Ran across a good product Tweet? Tag me (@jolibois_) in the comments and if I include it in Product Nuggets, I’ll give you a shoutout!
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