🐤 Product Nuggets #11 — A.I. bedtime stories, real "fake" Morgan Freeman, & product psychology
Jacob's top 5 product tweets from the past week
If you didn’t catch the article on Tuesday, I wrote about the 6 conversations that you can have with your users to measure willingness to pay.
🐤 Nug #1 — Unlimited, personalized bedtime stories
This gets me so excited for the future of media. Every child wants to be the hero of their bedtime stories. How much more powerful and fun will it be for them to be able to see themselves in the scenes of their imagination!

🐤 Nug #2 — Unreal
This is truly wild.
🐤 Nug #3 — AI for the masses
OpenAI is now accessible to the non-coders out there. This is going to unlock so many new applications, limited only by our imagination!

🐤 Nug #4 — 15-minute magic
The tracker is a beautiful piece of psychological magic. People want to know that progress is being made on their order. And even though this is “fake” in some sense, it’s exactly what the user needs.

🐤 Nug #5 — *hot take*
Nope. Not with these designs.

Have a great weekend!
—Jacob ✌️
P.S. — Send me a good tweet (@jolibois_) and if I include it, I’ll give you a shout!