🐤 Product Nuggets #8 — "Thought-to-Image," Things UI, and text-based video (Descript)
Jacob's top 5 product tweets from the past week
If you didn’t catch the interview with Adam Renklint, the CTO of Pitch, on Tuesday…
🐤 Nug #1 — It was only a matter of time.

🐤 Nug #2 — Pretty Things 😍

🐤 Nug #3 — No more timelines?
Descript was super powerful for editing simple video like a podcast or something. But now, by typing /, you can add a new “Scene” to have more granular control over your cuts. Except now… there’s no timeline. Just a doc.

🐤 Nug #4 — Multiplayer everything 🤯
Ready attempts to answer the question, “what if the calendar was your productivity center instead of a task or note app?” It’s a pretty interesting concept. But to me, it artificially time-boxes non-time-based things like ideas.

🐤 Nug #5 — yooo 😂
In case you don’t know…
Have a great weekend!
—Jacob ✌️
P.S. — Send me a good tweet (@jolibois_) and if I include it, I’ll give you a shout!
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