🐤 Product Nuggets #2 — Note taking tools, AI-powered interior design and new browsers
Jacob's top 5 product tweets from the past week
Welcome back to Product Nuggets! If you missed the article on Tuesday, you can check it out here:
🐤 Nug #1 — Uh oh. I’m in big trouble…
When I found Roam Research two years ago, I was hooked. Finally a note-taking tool that felt like it mimicked how my mind worked! But it lacked one thing: an option for structured data. Notion handles stuff like this really well but I hated having my notes scattered between two tools. This week might be the start of something new for me…
🐤 Nug #2 — Re-vibe your living room

🐤 Nug #3 — Social media soup

Bonus, because I love BeReal.
🐤 Nug #4 — But Arc can save the day!
The ability to “paint the web” in Arc is pure magic. And one day, when the Boost Store becomes a thing, even non-coders will have access to a more beautiful internet.

🐤 Nug #5 — Table-top games just took on a whole new meaning
This is one of the coolest dining experiences I’ve seen. Now, imagine that you could control the characters and make them hoe the rows, plant the seeds, water the plants, harvest the crops etc.) Entertainment for hours.
As a bonus, since we’re on the subject of table-top projection:

Have a great weekend!
—Jacob ✌️
P.S. — Ran across a good product Tweet? Tag me (@jolibois_) in the comments and if I include it in Product Nuggets, I’ll give you a shoutout!
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